Task force/Community Health/Survey

These are the interim (and very very preliminary) responses to the survey that was distributed. We're posting this in their unanalyzed and incomplete form in an attempt to share the information as quickly as possible. Final numbers may vary greatly.

Updated: 2010-01-29
Full Results and Analysis: Spring 2010

Question 1

When did you start editing?

Answer Count Percentage
2001 26 2.43
2002 20 1.87
2003 36 3.37
2004 77 7.20
2005 137 12.82
2006 178 16.65
2007 167 15.62
2008 173 16.18
2009 186 17.40
No answer 69 6.45

Question 2

When did you make your last edit?

Answer Count Percentage
2001 2 0.19
2002 1 0.09
2003 0 0
2004 2 0.19
2005 7 0.65
2006 12 1.12
2007 41 3.84
2008 166 15.53
2009 772 72.22
No answer 66 6.17

Question 3

During your time as an active editor, roughly how many edits did you make in a typical month?

Answer Count Percentage
1 444 41.53
2-9 444 41.53
10-99 113 10.57
100-999 18 1.68
1000+ 4 0.37
No answer 46 4.30

Question 4

Why did you start contributing to Wikipedia?

Answer Count Percentage
I saw a typo or small error and wanted to fix it 624 38.37%
There was information that I wanted to add 852 79.70%
I like the idea of volunteering to share knowledge 500 46.77%
I enjoy researching and writing 246 23.01%
I was assigned to do it (e.g., by work or school) 46 4.30%
I wanted to test Wikipedia to see if it was really open for anyone to edit 66 6.17%
Friends of mine were doing it 22 2.06%
No answer 96 8.98%

Question 5

Why did you stop contributing to Wikipedia?

Answer Count Percentage
I had other commitments (e.g. new job, new hobbies, started a family) 361 33.77%
I contributed enough information to improve the articles I was interested in. 215 20.11%
Writing an encyclopedic article is difficult and/or time consuming. 143 13.38%
Editing and maintaining articles takes too much time for me. 137 12.82%
Wikipedia is too confusing. 97 9.07%
I felt that I was often working alone, with little feedback or support. 62 5.80%
I found the atmosphere unpleasant. 129 12.07%
Some editors made Wikipedia a difficult place to work. 268 25.07%
I haven't stopped contributing. 386 36.11%
No answer 259 24.23%

Question 6

At the time of your last edit, did you personally feel like you still had a lot to add to the Wikipedia?
1 = Not much more that I could have contributed; 5 = A lot more I could have contributed)

Answer Count Percentage
1 102 9.93%
2 152 14.80%
3 255 24.83%
4 227 22.10%
5 291 28.33%
No answer 42 3.93%

Question 7

When did you start editing?

Answer Count Percentage
2001 26 2.43
2002 20 1.87
2003 36 3.37
2004 77 7.20
2005 137 12.82
2006 178 16.65
2007 167 15.62
2008 173 16.18
2009 186 17.40
No answer 69 6.45

Question 8

When did you make your last edit?

Answer Count Percentage
2001 2 0.19
2002 1 0.09
2003 0 0
2004 2 0.19
2005 7 0.65
2006 12 1.12
2007 41 3.84
2008 166 15.53
2009 772 72.22
No answer 66 6.17

Question 9

Did the difficulty of the work have an impact on your decision to stop contributing?

Answer Count Percentage
Yes. Writing an article is too difficult, or too much work. 100 9.35%
Yes. I had difficulties with the editing interface. 168 15.72%
Yes. I had difficulties with the discussion interface. 56 5.24%
Yes. Watching and maintaining multiple articles was difficult/took too much time. 80 7.48%
Yes. I had trouble understanding the rules about Wikipedia content. 129 12.07%
Yes. I had trouble understanding the rules about volunteer behavior. 64 5.99%
No. Complexity was not a major reason in my decision to leave. 414 38.73%
No. I haven’t stopped contributing. 459 42.94%
Other 88 8.23%

Question 10

Did the community have an impact on your decision stop contributing?

Answer Count Percentage
Yes. I asked for help, but did not receive the help that I needed. 45 4.21%
Yes. I did not receive much feedback or appreciation for my work. 60 5.61%
Yes. I was warned or sanctioned and decided to leave. 43 4.02%
Yes. It took too much time to discuss content and build support for changes. 73 6.83%
Yes. Several editors were rude to either me or my peers. 120 11.23%
Yes. Several editors were too stubborn and/or difficult to work with. 167 15.62%
Yes. My work kept on being undone. 187 17.49%
No. The community was not a major reason in my decision to leave. 326 30.50%
No. I haven’t stopped contributing. 470 43.97%
Other 69 6.45%

Question 11

On a scale of 1-5, how likely are you to start contributing again?
(1=Never, 5=Definitely, it's just a matter of time)

Answer Count Percentage
1 48 4.49%
2 152 14.22%
3 220 20.58%
4 225 21.05%
5 424 39.66%

Question 12

Please read the following statements and select all that you believe are TRUE.

Answer Count Percentage
I stopped contributing because of something that happened in my life: it had nothing much to do with Wikipedia. 273 25.54%
I regret that I had to stop editing Wikipedia. 247 23.11%
When I think back on my time editing Wikipedia, I feel anger, frustration, or other unpleasant emotions. 166 15.53%
I would (or do) tell my friends to consider editing Wikipedia. 427 39.94%
I think I am very different from the typical Wikipedia editor. 197 18.43%
I will never edit Wikipedia again. 18 1.68%
I hope one day to edit again, if changes in my personal or work circumstances make that possible for me. 441 41.25%
I hope one day to edit again, if changes at Wikipedia make that possible for me. 302 28.25%