Task force/NASA Collaboration/OpenNASA/emailtojimbo

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Tue, 15 Sep 2009 01:17:11 -0700 (PDT)
Date: Tue, 15 Sep 2009 15:26:30 +0800
From: Jimmy Wales <xxxxxxxxx@wikia-inc.com>
To: Jonverve <xxxxxxxxxx@gmail.com>
CC: xxxxxx@wikia.com
Subject: Re: Wikia e-mail

I forwarded this to the right people, let me know in 2 weeks if you 
haven't heard from anyone.

Jonverve wrote:
> Hi, I am an engineer at NASA in Maryland and we are developing an internal wiki, similar to Intellipedia, if you have heard of this.  I am looking to use the RTE and your version of mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:CustomEdit
> This may be a good partnership and opportunity for you guys to spin your new features out.  We have a tech transfer office which could handle the arrangements.  Please talk to your staff and decision makers and let me know what you think.  You can contact me via the methods below.
> - J Verville
> Space Communication Specialist
> NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
> 8800 Greenbelt Road
> Mailcode 567.0, B16/S026
> Greenbelt, MD 20771
> (xxx) xx6-8741  FAX: (301) 286-xxxx
> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxle@nasa.gov
> https://www.spacecomm.nasa.gov/