Wikimedia's advocacy agenda

See also Advocacy agenda and Task force/Advocacy Agenda.

The WMF's agenda

The WMF has so far expressed a desire to keep its advocacy to a minimum, beyond supporting the agendas of our free culture partners.

Items that should be on the WMF agenda include:

  • Sustaining DMCA protection

The Wikimedia movement's agenda

The Wikimedia movement is one of the strongest demonstrations of the value, generativity, and surprising positive results of free universal internet access, liberal copyright and public domain policies, and open widespread collaboration. For this reason, the Wikimedia movement are highly respected participants in public policy discussions and debates -- and poorly understood by traditional non-editing representatives of the common good or public interest.

Items that may be on the Wikimedia movement's agenda, through individuals and chapters:

  • IP and copyright improvement
    • Public domain use, global standardization of what it means
    • Government-mandated sharing of works produced with public funds, including reuse-friendly licenses for public-financed media
    • Sensible redistribution standards for publicly held cultural treasures
    • More liberal copyright standards worldwide
  • Access to knowledge
    • Universal access to connectivity (the Internet at large or local 'partly-offline' caches including essential knowledge materials)
    • Network and service neutrality
  • Education improvement
    • Improved professional standards for sharing materials and experiences
    • Improved standards for allowing students to publish their own work / to contribute meaningfully to public knowledge and discourse

  • EFF / privacy online / pseudonymity standards
  • Transparency / permalink standards for important information
  • Gov 2.0 / queriable access to large public databases