This category is for illustrations/art created.
Pages in category "Illustrations"
The following 4 pages are in this category, out of 4 total.
Media in category "Illustrations"
The following 149 files are in this category, out of 149 total.
091207 QOTW.png 1,474 × 963; 21 KB
100118-WIK-Goal Slide.jpg 1,021 × 781; 88 KB
100125-Wikimedia Feb Board Background Final.pdf 1,650 × 1,275, 117 pages; 4.18 MB
2008fundraisingbycountry.png 1,474 × 826; 28 KB
2009-10-04stats.png 754 × 454; 45 KB
Active contributors by wikipedia.png 731 × 540; 58 KB
Antin-Cheshire-Readers-are-Not-Free-Riders.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 4 pages; 157 KB
Branding flowchart full version.pdf 1,275 × 1,650; 18 KB
Change increase lifetime DNA 2.gif 725 × 410; 13 KB
Comm Health Q1 v1.png 754 × 454; 116 KB
Comm Health Q10 v1.png 753 × 454; 80 KB
Comm Health Q11 v1.png 753 × 454; 66 KB
Comm Health Q12 v1.png 1,280 × 822; 168 KB
Comm Health Q2 v1.png 754 × 454; 106 KB
Comm Health Q3 v1.png 1,020 × 637; 189 KB
Comm Health Q4 v1.png 754 × 453; 96 KB
Comm Health Q5 v1.png 1,080 × 768; 154 KB
Comm Health Q6 v1.png 753 × 454; 61 KB
Comm Health Q7 v1.png 753 × 454; 40 KB
Comm Health Q8 v1.png 753 × 454; 43 KB
Comm Health Q9 v1.png 933 × 885; 180 KB
ContributionsStabilizing.png 639 × 349; 81 KB
Contributor growth size by wikipedia.png 719 × 546; 98 KB
CoreAuthorDeath.png 595 × 416; 70 KB
CoreAuthorTime2.png 605 × 381; 45 KB
CoreEditorsAreSmall.png 692 × 303; 49 KB
DeathsOvertakeBirths.png 565 × 285; 56 KB
East Asia useful articles.png 983 × 606; 7 KB
Fastest growth in 3G+ mobile subscribers in Latin American and Africa.png 1,475 × 909; 156 KB
Fastest Internet growth MEA.png 1,475 × 909; 101 KB
FeaturedArticlesMadeByCore.png 573 × 357; 53 KB
Former contributors survey presentation - wiki.pdf 1,650 × 1,275, 20 pages; 841 KB
Foundation employees.png 353 × 376; 29 KB
Fundraising growth.png 724 × 543; 64 KB
Gender.png 1,527 × 965; 23 KB
Global mobile usage.png 381 × 422; 30 KB
Global org elements.png 1,474 × 941; 52 KB
Habitat Overview.png 1,479 × 828; 41 KB
HazardTimeLowWithFAandTalk.png 511 × 265; 35 KB
HBSchart.jpg 575 × 368; 20 KB
Increase reach by 2015.png 750 × 547; 74 KB
Increasing Effectiveness in Global NGO Networks.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 15 pages; 79 KB
Internet growth by region.png 751 × 470; 101 KB
Large European wikipedias.png 983 × 606; 9 KB
LessArticlePages.png 374 × 507; 22 KB
Lowest penetration major opportunities to increase.png 744 × 554; 121 KB
Lqt-2010-01-20.png 788 × 443; 38 KB
Lqt-2010-02-07.png 817 × 617; 50 KB
Mobile share of internet.png 344 × 380; 33 KB
MostArticlesHaveFewEditors.png 568 × 258; 37 KB
Movement map.png 749 × 553; 104 KB
Newwiki.png 1,011 × 661; 99 KB
NumberofActiveContributors.png 1,502 × 1,111; 14 KB
Opportunities to expand reach mobile.png 497 × 374; 41 KB
PartipationChart.png 1,088 × 752; 33 KB
Picture 1.png 436 × 699; 65 KB
Possible translation interface.png 1,184 × 512; 57 KB
Pv-ia-1.png 1,224 × 1,584; 497 KB
Pv-ia-2.png 1,224 × 1,584; 700 KB
Pv-ia-3.png 1,584 × 1,224; 701 KB
Pv-mockup.png 1,224 × 1,584; 309 KB
QofWeek-lowcontribratio.png 1,567 × 954; 26 KB
QOTW 12-21.png 1,580 × 1,120; 53 KB
Quality bar 2.png 640 × 48; 2 KB
Quality bar.png 507 × 141; 4 KB
Question of the week 12-14.png 1,478 × 732; 14 KB
Sensitivity analysis for segmentation.png 1,474 × 910; 81 KB
Smartphone prices.png 351 × 407; 31 KB
Southeast Asia useful articles.png 983 × 606; 9 KB
Stats-2010-01-08.png 817 × 617; 49 KB
Stats-2010-01-15.png 1,581 × 892; 68 KB
Stats-2010-02-06.png 817 × 617; 65 KB
Stats2009-11-12.png 593 × 351; 33 KB
Strategywiki-20091005-top20editors.png 1,518 × 736; 44 KB
Strategywiki-stats-2009-12-12.png 1,247 × 860; 64 KB
StubsVersusArticles.png 715 × 597; 73 KB
Sub-Saharan Africa useful articles.png 983 × 606; 8 KB
SurvivalTime.png 583 × 368; 55 KB
TalkStabilizing.png 624 × 346; 72 KB
V wordcloud interest.png 1,122 × 441; 191 KB
WBH coverage analysis.png 533 × 500; 23 KB
Wbh sina trend.png 1,075 × 730; 227 KB
Webx0.png 748 × 555; 108 KB
Wikimedia content areas mapped.png 762 × 560; 302 KB
Wikimedia Foundation 30M-70M.png 740 × 540; 61 KB
Wikimedia growth scenarios.png 735 × 538; 62 KB
Wikimedia page views.png 892 × 470; 36 KB
Wikimedia penetration in areas of rapid Internet growth.png 743 × 554; 57 KB
Wikimedia penetration world map.png 848 × 384; 150 KB
Wikimedia process proposal.png 754 × 605; 93 KB
Wikimedia users by region by language.png 734 × 545; 71 KB
Wikimedia-system.png 784 × 629; 43 KB
WMF page views by project.png 893 × 471; 102 KB
WMF Staffing.png 1,482 × 1,087; 19 KB
WMFAccess and frequency.png 1,527 × 953; 24 KB
WMFActiveContrib.png 1,579 × 942; 21 KB
WMFActiveContribEmerging.png 1,500 × 942; 12 KB
WMFActiveContribEnglish.png 1,500 × 942; 10 KB
WMFActiveContribLarge.png 1,500 × 942; 16 KB
WMFAge.png 1,527 × 968; 26 KB
WMFAlternative provider overview.png 1,476 × 992; 134 KB
WMFAmerican Wikipedia use.png 1,434 × 914; 23 KB
WMFApproaches to quality control.png 1,479 × 1,022; 59 KB
WMFArticle growth by language.png 1,021 × 559; 20 KB
WMFArticles by language.png 1,021 × 504; 15 KB
WMFArticlesVsContrib.png 1,500 × 942; 17 KB
WMFBreadth comparisons.png 1,021 × 563; 23 KB
WMFContent comparisons with traditional encyclopedias.png 983 × 607; 7 KB
WMFContribAsPercentOfVisitors.png 1,520 × 909; 12 KB
WMFCurrent WMF projects.png 1,479 × 980; 135 KB
WMFDRAFT content framework v2.png 1,476 × 610; 375 KB
WMFDRAFT content framework.png 1,021 × 581; 20 KB
WMFEditReverts.png 1,600 × 816; 317 KB
WMFEducation levels daily Internet users.png 1,528 × 965; 33 KB
WMFEducation levels.png 1,528 × 965; 35 KB
WMFEN articles per day.png 1,021 × 523; 17 KB
WMFFeatured and good articles.png 1,522 × 952; 22 KB
WMFFrequency Wikipedia users.png 1,527 × 965; 24 KB
WMFGreenpeace Overview.png 1,477 × 894; 44 KB
WMFLifespan.png 1,488 × 914; 228 KB
WMFMSF Overview.png 1,479 × 986; 57 KB
WMFNews and mobile devices.png 773 × 958; 19 KB
WMFOtherProjects.png 1,523 × 942; 28 KB
WMFOverview of WMF projects.png 1,479 × 676; 23 KB
WMFPage hits by general topic v2.png 959 × 609; 10 KB
WMFPage hits by general topic.png 983 × 606; 9 KB
WMFPage hits per article.png 983 × 606; 6 KB
WMFPage hits per language Wikipedia.png 983 × 606; 6 KB
WMFPage views for top 1000.png 1,475 × 908; 23 KB
WMFPriority issues for OER.png 1,475 × 980; 42 KB
WMFQuality of vital articles.png 1,474 × 929; 36 KB
WMFRace.png 1,435 × 931; 23 KB
WMFRevenueChart.png 844 × 462; 112 KB
WMFStatus of vital articles.png 1,474 × 965; 36 KB
WMFstratplanSurvey1.png 1,100 × 910; 21 KB
WMFStudent use.png 1,527 × 968; 27 KB
WMFSurvey2.png 1,647 × 909; 68 KB
WMFSurvey3.png 1,478 × 981; 22 KB
WMFSurvey4.png 1,478 × 956; 21 KB
WMFTopic Distribution.png 1,535 × 908; 30 KB
WMFTypes of quality assurance.png 1,475 × 904; 45 KB
WMFVActiveContribEmerging.png 1,500 × 942; 16 KB
WMFVActiveContribEnglish.png 1,500 × 942; 9 KB
WMFVActiveContribLarge.png 1,500 × 942; 18 KB
WMFVeryActiveContrib.png 1,553 × 942; 22 KB
WMFVital articles by topic.png 489 × 604; 3 KB
WMFWikipedia users access.png 1,527 × 953; 24 KB
YoungAuthorDeath.png 586 × 387; 61 KB