Proposal:Formalization of knowledge and tensor search in teaching OS

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Propose teaching operational system. This operational system is intended for teaching and interrelation easings between commercial and humanitarian projects.

1. Standardization of inquiries and results of search in the form of the binary tensors.

1.1. Standard tensors inquiries-conformity can be integrated in modern educational and search systems. The metrics and dimension tensors inquiries and tensors conformity should to be defined by means of popular workings out. The chosen metrics and dimension tensors should provide enough the full description of logic, time and emotional sequences and interrelations tensors (elements of tensors).

1.2. Elements binary tensor, equal 1, should correspond to the opened descriptors, (for example, of linguistic consortium SPARKLE). Lists standard descriptors can be filled up with the help popular workings out.

1.3. Tensors of inquiries should be formed by operational system in the dialogue mode off-line. Then in the course of search tensors inquiries can be specified on-line.

1.4. Tensors of conformity should be formed at creation or the description of any information units in a dialogue mode off-line. Information units can be: - Any facts - Articles or fragments of articles - News - Questions - Tensors of conformity or inquiries - Any files - Separate thoughts or theories - Problem situations - Internal contradictions or emotions. Tensors conformity can describe possible and former changes and interrelations of tensors conformity and information units. Generated tensors conformity can be specified in a mode on-line also are placed in a server database (or distributed database).

The note: tensors conformity can differ depending on individualities of people, external conditions and current inwardness. Results of search on tensor inquiry, accordingly, also can change.

1.5. Results of search on tensor inquiry can be: - tensors of conformity, which product of multiplications on tensor of inquiry as much as possible on some norm - corresponding to tensors conformity of unit of the information.

At will of users tensors inquiries can become tensors conformity. At will of users results of search on tensor inquiry can to be presented in the form of multidimensional histograms tensors elements.

1.6. All generated by users tensors at will can be are united in a binary image.

P.S.1. Formation of information tensors, possibly, occurs already very much for a long time. However access to these tensors and to units of the information corresponding to them it is limited.

2. Creation virtualized training operational system (VTOS).

2.1. VTOS should be created volunteers from community Open Source for creation both interactions of tensors and binary images. VTOS should be exclusively the humanitarian project.

2.2. Overall objective VTOS - educational. VTOS it is intended for rendering assistance to people in the decision of the difficult personal and public problems. VTOS should promote improvement of human qualities.

2.3. VTOS should provide safety binary tensors and images.

2.4. VTOS should contain the "lie detectors" processing tensors of conformity, and also other sources of the information.

2.5. VTOS should contain analyzers and synthesizers for formation of tensors conformity from various information sources.

2.6. VTOS should provide non-material stimulus for own support and developments.

P.S.2. All necessary conditions for creation VTOS, as Open Source are now created with the public licence.

Victor Krivodonov.

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