Wikimedia Foundation/Annual Plan 2009-2010

This page contains the Financial Information about the Wikimedia Foundation's Annual Budget along with chapters where Provided.


The foundation plans a revenue of $10.6 million, 43% higher than 2008-09 revenue of $7.4 million. The 2009-10 plan assumes

  • $7.5 million in individual donations
  • $1.7 Million in foundation grants
  • $1.3 million in mission friendly partnership and licensing agreements.

In 2007-08 the Actual Revenue was $5.1 million excluding $2 million from Sloan Foundation which is earmarked for 2008-09 and 2009-10.

The targets for community giving for 2009-10 is $6.5 million, but not specific yet.


Below is the breakdown of spending by functional areas.

Item 2008-09 2009-10
Technology $1.9m(36%) $3.3m(35%)
Management Finance & Admin $0.7m(13%) $0.9(10%)
Fundraising $0.6m(11%) $1.1m(11%)
Governance $0.1m(2%) $0.2m(2%)
Other Program $1.9m(36%) $3.9m(42%)

All Figures in Us Dollars.

Earned Income

"Earned income" is non-profit jargon for business development revenue.

Possible forms of earned income include:

  • Premium subscriptions
  • Selling the product (e.g., Wikipedia in hard-copy form)
  • Co-branding/marketing (e.g., Apple includes a mention of Wikipedia app in an iPhone ad)
  • Selling user data

Most of the Wikimedia Foundation's revenue is from donations, but about 10% is earned income. It comes from mission-friendly business deals. For example, the Foundation gets a small amount of revenue from the books sold by PediaPress. It makes money from the Orange deal (Orange has licensed the Wikimedia trademark to use in its mobile version of Wikipedia).


So far, the only submitted budget plan for chapters I could find was from the Uk. Chapters From Germany and France have paid Staff Currently and plan on hiring more in 2010. While Chapters in Hong-kong, Argentina, New York city along with the UK have expressed interest in hiring New Staff.


Item Details Cost (£)
Office rent, utilities, rates 6 mths of 12mth lease starting in June 3,000
Furniture/Equipment Desks, computers, etc. 800
Bookkeeper/secretary wages 8 hrs/wk, increasing to 12 hrs/wk for fundraiser (Nov/Dec) @ £10/hr 2,400
Nat. insurance and other costs 500
Webmaster/Office IT support/Developer 16 hrs/wk @ £10/hr 4,160
Nat. insurance and other costs 700
Total 11,560
  • Reserves - £1000
