KrebMarkt raises some good points about how more isn't necessarily better. Seems like the random ranting person would agree. This is one of those tough issues to articulate. To me, it would be great just to be able to say "there is a balance between quality and quantity", or that "we have to balance our goal of summarizing all human knowledge with the goal of appearing reliable". But vision tends to operate at a high level, and can be vague. It's stuff like "let's go to China" but not "let's fly at a mid-price on a weekend and stay for only 2 weeks".

That said, if somebody wanted to take a stab at adding something to the Strategic Plan/What do we believe?-Principles of the Wikimedia movement, I'd gladly work with them to make it right.

Randomran16:45, 8 July 2010

My comment above is completely reflect by fanboy/fangirl editing practice in Fiction articles.

Instead to improve the main article they spin-out article covering individual fictional characters. When they run out of fictional characters they continue on spin out with the fictional universe, terminology, technology. That done they can write spin-out on the related media of the main article, soundtracks, novels, video games and so on.

Bottom line we can and with a plethora of low quality & superficial articles yet they are informative & helpful.

KrebMarkt19:46, 8 July 2010