Good point. I don't know what others think of this yet but I think it def. needs updating or rewriting.

Theo1001116:44, 23 August 2011

I think it is time that the Wikipedian community who contribute to the land in this area of Wikipedia slaughter some more chickens so there can be some fresh meat processed into southern fried chicken which can be distributed - the wikipedian editors need to edit this section of strategy.wikimedia so it is up to date and fit for purpose but wikipeidans need to work together and share there're southern fried chicken with each over to achieve there're goals an move forward in this part of wikipeida by making edits n answering other User's questions. Mcjakeqcool Mcjakeqcool 02:08, 20 September 2011 (UTC)

Mcjakeqcool02:08, 20 September 2011