Well, a lot depends on what is meant by "contribute". The costs of contributing content at an encyclopedic level cannot be much influenced by anything done within Wikipedia. But, yes, the cost in time for a user working off a list of tasks-to-do, or of things-missing can probably be reduced. However, it is not unlikely that this will add to the real costs for those who belong to the first group. - Brya 05:20, 18 May 2010 (UTC)

Brya05:20, 18 May 2010

Making editing easier should lower the cost for everyone, really. You can't find anyone who really thinks that citation templates are the best way to handle research.

Randomran14:56, 18 May 2010

Well, if that is what you believe ... - Brya 06:53, 19 May 2010 (UTC)

Brya06:53, 19 May 2010