Kpjas on the left
Meetup in Czestochowa GDJ 2007
means Where are we ? Where are we heading? How? -- sounds familiar?

Krzysztof P. Jasiutowicz username Kpjas Wiki(p|m)edian from Częstochowa, Poland

I'm a physician, practising general/family medicine.

Active in Wikipedia since the very beginning - my User ID (per the English Wikipedia preferences info) is 11, and my registration time is 6 May 2001

I am the co-founder of the Polish Wikipedia my User ID 4 (Brion Vibber having no. 1) and the founder of the Polish Wikiquote (User ID 1)

I have a strong interest in the Wikimedia strategy planning, in the past (2001/2002) I took an active role in discussions about the future of Wikipedia. To my surprise a few of my early visions materialised somehow.

In my opinion one of serious shortcomings of Wiki(p|m)edia is insufficient international cooperation that to some extent have had a detrimental effect on both content creation/quality and the community at large.

Contact: kpjas (at sign) go2 dot pl