Achieve continued growth in readership.
Focus on quality content.
Increase participation.
Stabilize the infrastructure.
Encourage innovation.
Stell dr e Wält vor, wu jede fräie Züegriff uf s gsamt Wüsse vu de Mänschheit hät! Dodefür stö'mr uf.


Des isch de Arbetsblatz un de Dräffpunkt für die, wu e strategische Blan für di nechste fümf Johr (2010-2015) für d'Wikimedia-Bewegig (en) wän erarbeite (lüeg under Hindergründ (en) für nöcheri Informatione zu dem Brozäss). Mr wän usefinde, wu mer jetz sin (en), wu mer hiiwän (en) un wie mer dört hiichömme (en).

How can I help?

Discuss and self-organize around ideas devoted to achieving our movement priorities:

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View a complete list of proposals. (See below for a list sorted by activity.)

Improve existing proposals by commenting, editing, merging, and categorizing.

Take action! Sign-up for a proposal, and help Wikimedia accomplish its five-year goals.

Have an idea that's not already listed? Propose it, and encourage others to participate!

Active Proposals Highly-Ranked Proposals Proposals by Sign-Ups
<activity sort="edits" type="proposal" max="10"/> <activity sort="ranking" type="proposal" max="10"/> <activity sort="members" type="proposal" max="10"/>

Want to organize a group of people to discuss possible proposals? Join or form a task force.

De Brozäss umfasst dräi Phase (en):

Züelose un Fakte sammle Darstellig un strategischi Optione E Handelsblan zämmestelle
Erledigt Erledigt  In Arbet


D'Forschig, d'Date un d'Analyse chömme zu Wikimedia-pedia (en), wu d'Informatione vervollständigt werre so witt mööglig.

Die Sitte in andere Sproche.

Brojäkt vu de Wikimedia-Stiftig