تحقيق نموا مستمرا في عدد القرّاء.
التركيز على نوعية المحتوى.
زيادة المشاركة.
استقرار البنية التحتية.
تشجع الابنكار.
إستراتيجية ويكيميديا

تخيل عالما يستطيع فيه كل إنسان المشاركة بحرية في مجموع المعرفة، هذا هو التزامنا

أهلاً وسهلاً!

This is the workspace and community-gathering point for developing a five-year (2010–2015) strategic plan for the Wikimedia movement (en). (See background (en) for more on this process.) The goal is to explore where we are now, where we should go (en), and how we should get there (en).

كيف يمكنني المساعدة؟

Discuss and self-organize around ideas devoted to achieving our movement priorities:

تصفّح عدّل اشترك اقترح

View a complete list of proposals. (See below for a list sorted by activity.)

Improve existing proposals by commenting, editing, merging, and categorizing.

Take action! Sign-up for a proposal, and help Wikimedia accomplish its five-year goals.

Have an idea that's not already listed? Propose it, and encourage others to participate!

Active Proposals Highly-Ranked Proposals Proposals by Sign-Ups
<activity sort="edits" type="proposal" max="10"/> <activity sort="ranking" type="proposal" max="10"/> <activity sort="members" type="proposal" max="10"/>

Want to organize a group of people to discuss possible proposals? Join or form a task force.

There are three phases (en) to this process:

Level-Setting Deep Dives Synthesis
Done Done  Doing...


Research, data, and analysis goes into our knowledge-base, ويكيميديا-بيديا (en), where it helps inform this strategic planning process.

هذه الصّفحة بلغات أخرى.