The Community Health and Quality task forces have identified several inter-connected and complementary priorities and potential approaches related to improving community health
Potential Approaches
Provide guidance for newer contributors to reduce policy trip-ups and “risk of being bitten”
Provide “in the moment” education and support through new article wizards
Create tools that simplify and improve access to commonly used features and make it easier to ask for help
Regularly and consistently assess the quality of all articles, systematically identify quality gaps, and prioritize/promote improvement opportunities and requests
Introduce automated assessment of article quality and importance
Introduce the ability for readers to quickly signal issues with article quality
Alert contributors of articles in need of work that they may be interested in contributing to
Recognize and provide incentives for ongoing quality contributions
Implement a reputational system that tracks the quality of contributions and identifies “senior editors”
Facilitate collaboration and coordination around solving problems, resolving disputes and adding value
Better leverage technology that enables social ties, affinity groups, and collaboration spaces
Leverage senior editors
Introduce new consensus-building processes for disputes that are large and/or repetitive