Task force/Wikipedia Quality/Weekly Report 02

Task Force Weekly Report: week of 2009-December 3 (ends Dec 20)

Task Force Name: Wikipedia Quality

Report of Activities

During this week, we: 1) Reviewed the brain-storming results from the previous two weeks; made the list of discussion points to concentrate on, dividing them into narrow focus and broad focus. 2) Discussed a number of these points but did not yet reach a conclusion on a single one. The ones closest to the conclusions are: creation and tasks of Wikimedia-wide WikiProjects; definition of the baseline quality of the articles; participation of non-anymous users.

Planned activities for next week

1. Reviewing the selected points and ranking them in terms of priority and ability to deliver recommendations; 2. Discussion of higher priority points and trying to compile draft recommendations.

Resources needed

At this point, we are fine, but more attention from Philippe and Sue would be fine; I believe right now we are by far the most active task force


This week, this task force wishes to recognize for their assistance the following users:

FT2, who basically analyzed the previous discussions and compiled the list of topics; other taskforce members and Philippe for discussions.

Other comments


Our notes or documentation can be found at:

So far, only discussions here: Talk:Task force/Wikipedia Quality

Submitted by: Yaroslav Blanter 20:35, 20 December 2009 (UTC)