Active admins as an example of entrances and exits

10% of admins are no active last year in pl wiki. About experience: number of edits to become an admin, number of days to become an admin. Since 2009 users "need" more than a year to be an admin. Here is a list of active and absent admins with last edits by date. Rollback is used in pl wiki by reviewers since November 2009 (~2000 users are reviewers in pl wiki). We have 170 (150 active or semi-active) admins and rather small community. 170 admins and 6k active users. It wiki: 100 admins and 9k active users. But we start "removing administrator rights" for admins no-active in last year (no active as users in main space). Przykuta 14:59, 10 March 2011 (UTC)

Przykuta14:59, 10 March 2011

We have considered removing admin tools from inactive admins, apparently Commons did this and lost half their admins. One reason why we decided not to do this on EN wiki is that we do have a trickle of admins returning from long gaps, and we didn't want to lose that., 13 March 2011