Unsourced materials must be difficult to deal with. Initially I would say that if the material has no source cited that it will be removed. However, as I now pause and think on this, I remember a lot of things but I do not remember all of the sources. I have a university education but I cannot recall all of my excellent professors by name nor my high school, or grade school teachers names. I may not recall what each looked like. I love books and learn from then just as others do but I cannot always recall who authored what I read because I have read so much over decades. I agree, it is a problem. I think perhaps some things must be obvious though and be maybe those can be dealt with. I really cannot say because I have not have had to cover that area of watching over people's sources or lack thereof. You have that experience, I don't. I am on the other end of that situation. An article that is subjective would be expected by me regardless of what rules state I would not expect complete objectivity. I don't think it is in the nature of most people not to be subjective. Why does a person write an article? They obviously feel a desire to. Why? Because they have something the want to state. Why? It is deep within them to do so. Why? See previous answer. Okaym why not cite sources? If they know the sources then they should be cited. Perhaps the sources are unknown to them -- perhaps they have forgotten the titles of books and which author arthured which books so how can one cite a source -- by "I remember"? Nope, so they write anyway and don't cite because they can't cite. Too, perhaps they fear copyright problems with what they write. Perhaps they do not know of fair use of some materials. You, if you have to deal with these things, as a volunteer, have to be the judge. It is an important position, an honorable position and a difficult position but remember -- you are a volunteer and you do your best and that is all anyone can ask of you or that you should expect of yourself.
I wish this thing had a spell checker! :0)


--Brother Officer 00:25, 27 November 2009 (UTC)

Brother Officer00:25, 27 November 2009