English wiki Unsourced BLP Drama Pragmatic Review

Fragment of a discussion from Village pump/en

2 is spot on. Definitely want to clarify that ArbCom needs to seem neutral, so as to put pressure on BOTH sides to come to a compromise. If they lean too strongly one way, they only put pressure on the other side to cave in... or organize a protest.

3 I'm not sure I understand.

1 makes sense, but it's tricky. You're right that the rationale missed the mark. The problem isn't any old lack of sources. (And indeed, sources are likely to exist for a lot of these biographies -- virtually anything that verifies their existence.) The problem is the potential for erroneous information, with no real way to know which seemingly innocuous statement is going to be harmful.

But should ArbCom be deciding what the rationale behind the problem is? I don't think ArbCom is always well-equipped to decide this. At the end of the day, they parrot the debate as it is presented to them. And in its presentation, it was "there is a lack of sources at BLPs".

Maybe the lesson is that ArbCom cracked down too soon. The debate hadn't had enough time to evolve and realize that the problem was much more specific. ArbCom should definitely reserve the right to push a compromise. But if the incident is relatively young in its history (I mean, someone just randomly got up and started PRODing BLPs), they maybe owe it some time to work itself into a stalemate. ... Seems weird, but maybe that's the best thing, process-wise.

What do you think?

Randomran17:26, 26 January 2010